As an experienced independent broker in Germany, Mirja started working as a representative between German insurance companies and expats needing help from a warm, friendly native speaker who also understood the system and array of options available. Mirja grew so passionate about this work, that she started exclusively working with expat clients, specialising in the area of health insurance specifically.
With 25+ years of industry experience under her belt, and well-established relationships with top German providers, Quickity was born out of Mirja’s desire to make the process of finding the right health insurance easy, efficient, and informative. That’s why when you use Quickity, you won’t be bombarded with every single quote on the market, but be provided with a hand-picked selection of only the very best plans available for expats.

Mirja Lundehn
CEO KL Versicherungsservice, hosting KLforExpats & Quickity
"Our high client satisfaction ratings are testament to our work – we save you time and frustration when you need fast, effective and quality health coverage as an expat professional in Germany."

Helen Kartika
Strategy & Growth Lead
"We’ve helped hundreds of expats find the right coverage, fast! Ask anyone we've worked with, we are your secret weapon when it comes to navigating private health insurance in Germany!"
helen@klforexpats.comAs an expat professional living in Germany herself, Helen first connected with Mirja in 2018 after needing urgent help with her health insurance. Like most of Mirja's clients, Helen couldn't believe her luck in meeting Mirja. Not only was she incredibly fast and good at her job, helping Helen save literally thousands on her health insurance, it was clear that she was genuinely invested in her clients and working for them, not the insurance companies!
With Helen's client service background in corporate marketing and her work as a Business Coach, Helen, like Mirja has a genuine interest in helping people. The two joined forces to bring Quickity to life in 2023 and never looked back.